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Units columns

This page discusses what a units column is, where one should be used, and how one can be defined.

The configuration of unit definitions themselves will not be the primary focus of this page; for help with this, see Unit definitions.

For a detailed look at a unit column's configuration options, see the Reference table at the bottom of this page.

What is a units column?

A units column describes the unit that each row in your CSV has been measured using.

The following is an example of a small data set containing a units column:

Year Location Average Height of Men Unit
2019 Canada 70 Inches
2020 United States 69 Inches
2021 England 175 Centimetres

The units column is titled Unit. The first two rows of the data set use the unit Inches to measure height, and the third row uses a different unit, Centimetres. In this case, different units are being used to measure the same thing.

When to use a units column

Every valid data cube needs at least one unit. Units columns can be used in both standard and pivoted shape cubes.

If every value in an observations column has the same unit, then you should configure the unit against the observations column.

If some values in your observations column use one unit and some other values in the same column use a different unit then you should use a units column. In the example table above, we see a clear example of this given that the first two rows use Inches and the third row uses Centimetres to measure the Average Height of Men.

Basic configuration

The following JSON shows how a units column can be defined in a qube configuration file:

    "$schema": "",
    "title": "Average Height of Men in different countries",
    "columns": {
        "Unit": {
            "type": "units"

To define a units column, specify the type of the column definition as units.

In this scenario of a minimal definition, since we do not specify any other details or properties; the unit will auto-generate a label field by default that takes the column's title. Here, the label would be Unit.

Optional properties

When defining a units column, there are optional properties that can be entered, depending on how your units are being defined within the column.


If you are creating new units within your units column, the details of the new units should be entered into a values field. The JSON below shows an example of the values field used in a units column.

    "$schema": "",
    "title": "Average Height and Weight for Men in different countries",
    "columns": {
        "Unit": {
            "type": "units",
            "values": true

By default, the values field is set to true. This indicates to csvcubed to automatically generate unit definitions unique to your data set.

From Template

Units columns can also make use of the from_template field. Templates are pre-configured column definitions that help speed up the creation of linked data columns. The use of this field in a units column is shown in the example below:

    "$schema": "",
    "title": "Average Income in Pounds Sterling",
    "columns": {
        "Unit": {
            "from_template": "qudt-units"

Enter the identifier of a template to be used as the units column. Note that you can override the configuration of used templates by specifying individual properties.

For more information on templates, as well as a list of templates that can be used, see the Templates page.

Cell URI Template

If you are re-using existing units in your measures column, then do not use the values field to define the unit details. Instead, use the field cell_uri_template.

    "columns": {
        "Unit": {
            "from_existing": "",
            "cell_uri_template": "{+unit}"

Provide a URI of a unit resource to use in the definition.


The use of the cell_uri_template field is considered an advanced configuration option, and therefore care must be taken to ensure that the values generated are valid.

The format of the cell_uri_template value must follow RFC6570 guidance for URI Templates. Note that the only variable which can be used in a cell_uri_template references the column itself; the name of the variable can be calculated by applying the CSV column name safe transformation to the CSV column title.

Describing Observations

Another field that can be applied to units columns that can be passed into their definition is describes_observations. This field associates the units column with the relevant observation values where the units are being used. Note that this is only applicable to pivoted shape cubes with multiple measures and multiple observation value columns. The use of this field is covered on the Pivoted shape cube page.


field name description default value
type The type of the column, provide "units" for a units column.(Required) dimension
values (New Units only) If basic units are desired, a boolean value of true is used to signify to csvcubed to create units from values in this column true
from_template (Existing Units only) Use a column template none
cell_uri_template (Existing Units only) Used to define a template to map the cell values in this column to URIs none
describes_observations (Unit column only) Associates the unit column with the relevant observation values. This is only necessary for pivoted shape data sets with multiple observation value columns. none